The Forest Museum

The Forest Museum

Mon, Apr 20, 2020


Founded by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, it aims to offer visitors the specialized knowledge, experience and entertainment. The museum occupies an area of ​​200 sq.m. and in its windows are representations of the habitat of the wild boar, wolf, fox, snakes and other animals and birds of the forest, and in special display cases is cited a collection of the predominant plants of the region. In a separate room was built a projection and entertainment room with computers and applications that inform visitors about the flora and fauna of the region.

Inside the hall, special showcases have been constructed to show almost all the fauna and flora of the region, the timelessness of forestry and the various courses of specialization in forestry science. Also in a special room there is a multiroom theater with special content projections and PC applications to inform all visitors. The Museum is addressed to all ages, but much more to schoolchildren, since beyond the scope of entertainment, it also has environmental education.